Albert Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity says that the fast you go the slower time goes. This could allow for time travel. Though how Einstein figure it would be very small travels.
We know that God does all his miracles in natural ways. Most everything can have an explanation.
What if God uses time travel to give the prophets visions of the future. To be able to so accurately describe what was going on in a future time, what if God actually places the prophets in the said time.
The Block Universe Theory states that the past, present, and future all exist at the same time.
We know that the death of Jesus not only saved us, but he died also for the sins of those in the Old Testament. God also knows us before we are even born. He knows what will happen in our lives.
What if time does happen all at the same time. This would explain why Old Testament people go straight to heaven or hell depending on their faith in the Messiah before the Messiah came. The sins of those before Jesus were taken on the cross. So what if these sins happened at the same time as the crucifixion, ours happening at the same time too, just in different points in the time. This would also explain how God is able to see all parts of our life, even before they happen (also explain how Jesus died for the sins yet to happen). We know that God is timeless, time cannot bound God. God exists outside of our perceived time so he can see this ever happening time where as we can only perceive the non-existent flow of time.
Remember, these theories are just that, theories. Nothing is proved and cannot be taken as fact, only possibility. The connection between these Biblical phenomena and theories is also not fact, just possibility. May God bless your day, and have sweet dreams.
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