
Respect Your President

I'm baaaaaaaaack!!!!!!! School is over for the semester so I will have more time to work on this blog. I'm only going to do Monday through Saturday and you can expect a post around 8:00 am (so make an alarm!). Today's is a little late because I'm not at my house! And now what you have all been waiting for, a blog! ⤵️

The bumper stickers are everywhere, "He's not my president!" The media has exploded with anti-Trump propaganda, and the masses are eating it up. Not necessarily are the postings false but they are definitely negative. Donald Trump is most certainly our president, and even if you don't like him, it is your God given duty to respect him, as he was especially placed in that position by God. The Bible tells us that all people I authority have been placed there by God to carry out God's plan. Even evil rulers have been used to push forward God's ultimate plan for His people (even if they don't know they are, even if they're trying to do the opposite). As Christians God tells us it is a sin not to submit to the appointed authorities. The Jews lived under Pharaoh for 400 years, 4-8 years under Donald Trump will not be that bad, especially if you trust in God and know that all things happen for the good of those who love Him.

Live in God's peace and mercy and have sweet dreams.


P.S. This post does not imply any personal political views, it only states religious views.

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